Reconstructing Reality
Marco Corvaglia's website
I am Italian and graduated in Humanities. I critically study the history of alleged religious prodigies and am the author of the book La verità su Medjugorje, published by Lindau in 2018 (old edition: 2007).
I lectured on the theme "The hidden roots of Medjugorje", in the Italian sessions of the International Conference “Manipulation, Abuse and Maltreatment in Groups", organized by ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association) [Trieste, Italy, 2013].
I have been discussed in:
El Mundo (ES), 5 September 2010
Vatican Radio (programming in Hungarian), Medjugorje – maszk nélkül, by Fr. Szabó Ferenc, 1 March 2012 [Audio and text of the transmission]
Marijana Belaj (University of Zagreb), Milijuni na putu. Antropologija hodočašća i sveto tlo Međugorja, Jesenski i Turk, 2012
The New York Times, 27 August 2015
Rivista Teologica di Lugano (four-monthly periodical of the Lugano Faculty of Theology), XXIII, No 3/2018
Francesco Ferrari (Universidad Católica de Colombia, Bogotá), Le "apparizioni" della Madonna a Medjugorje tra la dissoluzione della Jugoslavia e la guerra in Bosnia (1981-1995), in "Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni" - Sapienza University of Rome, n. 85/2, 2019
Andrea Nicolotti (University of Turin), Cattolicesimo ed epidemie: teologia, storia e attualità, AperTO - Turin University Open Access Institutional Repository, 2020
Joachim Bouflet (consultant for the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints), Impostures mystiques, Cerf, 2023
Ivan Turudić, Biskup Perić i međugorski fenomen, Crkva na kamenu, 2023
Ratko Perić (emeritus bishop of Mostar), Djevice premudra: O Međugorju iz ljubavi prema istini, Tonimir, 2024.
I have been a guest on various Rai and Mediaset TV and radio programs and advised some Italian TV stations on the realization of documentaries on Medjugorje (LA7 [2017], Italia 1 [2021], Rete 4 [2024]).
Received from Dr. Giorgio Gagliardi (Coordinator of Scientific Medjugorje Commission), 31 August 2009.